Our first tournament 2015
We love our tournaments at our Club in Malta. So it´s always nice to look back and remember our very first tournament. Malta Arena Polo had its official launch on the 19th June, 2015 with an American Tournament.
After 6 months of hard work which included boarding two sides of the arena, looking after and riding horses, teaching, website building and a whole host of other jobs, we were finally ready to host our first tournament.
Arena Polo teams are made up of 3 players and we put together 3 teams made up of our members, members from the Malta Polo Club, a retired player and a 2 goal visitor from Argentina.
Although oddly it was a cold night, spectators were able to view the action from parapet and enjoy a drink from the bar and roast pig in Maltese bread. We are very happy to be located at the beautiful Montekristo Estate in Malta.
This was the first time our novices had played in a competition and they all played incredibly well. The more experienced players were able to set the pace and encouraged the beginners to play to their best ability.
We would like to thank The Noble Marchesino Daniel Gera de Petri Testaferrata for commentating at our opening tournament, and to Mr George Lyttleton for his timing expertise.
The results were as follows;
1st Renaissance (white)
2nd Vaults (dark blue)
3rd Foyer (light blue)
Find some great photos below of our very first Tournament at Malta Arena Polo Club. It was a pleasure to host and we are looking forward to many more Chukkas and Tournaments. Feel free to get in touch and join our Club!