Author: Polo!

Christmas Lunch on Republic Day

Christmas Lunch on Republic Day

Christmas Lunch after Chukkas o Republic Day 2018

Best New Player for Season 2017-18

Best New Player for Season 2017-18

Malta Arena Polo Club is introducing a new award for exceptional Polo players, the “Best New Player Award” As we are about to start our forth year at Malta Arena Polo, we have introduced a trophy the Best New Player for the previous season. The 

Starting polo young

Starting polo young

Young Polo Player LessonNew Starter Lesson, Young Polo Players

Starting Polo young, is not as uncommon as it might sounds. Polo is a sport that can be enjoyed by all ages, whether it is on horseback or as a spectator. In fact the Oldest player is over 82 years and from Barbados. He played in a game at the Apes Hill Polo Club in Barbados in May 2015.

Lately we have had some youngsters come for regular lessons and even a birthday party treat. The wonderful thing about children, is that most of them are prepared to just try something and not worry about whether it might not be possible. Today we had some children experiencing their first time on a horse, desperate to go faster. They weren’t worried about control or falling off, they were quite happy to just enjoy the moment.

Our regular children have progressed quickly and are enjoying a little mini chukkas at the end of their stick and ball sessions. It is rather satisfying to watch them progress from bashing the sand with their mallets, to actually driving the ball forwards and even being able to take it away from an opponent.

Unlike other countries, especially the UK an USA, we do not have a the groups dedicated to youth polo, but we are hoping that eventually enough will join so we can form children’s chukkas. It is important to encourage young people to play as it gives them a chance to build their skills and produce great players.

Summer Polo Camp 2015

Summer Polo Camp 2015

Malta Arena Polo Club went abroad for the first time to join a summer polo camp. Our club is made up of Maltese and foreigners, and we like to encourage our members to travel abroad to play polo too. It helps improve your game to 

Our first tournament 2015

Our first tournament 2015

We love our tournaments at our Club in Malta. So it´s always nice to look back and remember our very first tournament. Malta Arena Polo had its official launch on the 19th June, 2015 with an American Tournament. After 6 months of hard work which 

Club Novice Chukkas – 21st April, 2015

Club Novice Chukkas – 21st April, 2015

Malta Arena Polo Club Novice Chukkas in 2015. Polo in Malta is traditionally played from October to June, weather dependent. The formation of Malta Arena Polo was the perfect opportunity for enthusiasts to play in chukkas and competitions year round.

The club was formed in January 2015, the long planned dream of Steve Vassallo whom has played polo in Malta and represented his country abroad for the past 28 years. Situated on the beautiful Montekristo estate, the club is rapidly growing and more people are becoming interested in the game which started its European journey from Malta.

It wasn’t an easy start as there were horses to look after and the arena boards to construct. This was certainly a time consuming affairs as frames had to be constructed and bolted into the stone around 2 sides of the arena before the boards could be fixed to them. We were given an assistance from the Estate carpenters, Dario, who cleverly constructed chamfered corners and our goal posts with top net, a task that took a while as Dario was called out on other jobs and the baking spring heat set in.

Stick and ball, lessons and instructional chukkas started immediately and the novices have had opportunities to play with the island’s more experienced players too. It has been a fun process watching peoples’ polo and riding skills improve, and to enjoy the company of others interested in the sport in an after chukka drink in one of the MonteKristo bars or restaurants.

There are two arenas available and both have great areas to view the action from. As the summer heat increases polo is played first thing in the morning or in the evening. During winters the weekend schedule increases and the game is played under floodlights during weekday evenings. The traditional limestone construction adds to the whole experience, after all, where else in the world would you play amongst structures like this?

Our first professionally photographed chukkas were played in April in the large arena. Here the photos of Malta Arena Polo Club Novice Chukkas in 2015.

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